Friday, January 13, 2006

That time he spat Jesus out

Maybe third graders are too young to get the host. As a Catholic, you have your first communion in second grade. The teachers spend the first part of the year teaching you about how the host is actually the body of Christ and that the wine is his blood. You were never suppose to bite into the host. It was suppose to dissolve in your mouth. (That was before they started getting actual bread instead of those weird wafer Christs)

Well, all the third-graders were curious. If you bite into the host, will it bleed? There were many theories. One was that the blood is already out of the body because the wine is the blood. The other was that if you bit into the host, everyone would know because blood would start pouring out of your mouth. I thought that you would automatically go to hell if you bit into the host. I wasn't sure how it would happen, but I was positive that you would just vanish into hell and no one would ever see you again.

After mass one day, a few of the boys in class took the host, but didn't put it in their mouths. The teacher was preoccupied so a few of the kids were looking at the host up close. I think one kid pinched it to see if it would bleed. One of the boys told us that he was going to bite it. I told him that he better not or he would go to hell. He laughed at me, but there was a glimmer of worry in his eyes. He bit it and spat it out in the bushes to see if it was bleeding. I was horrified, but found out that you don't vanish and go to hell, and your mouth doesn't fill with blood. It took a few more years until I'd bite into a host though.


Blogger mogcat said...

Hey there Jen, I'm loving your blog.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Thanks. There's more embarrassing moments to come.

7:23 PM  

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