Yesterday, I bought Tristan a Retro red flyer tricycle. It's so cool.

He loves it and is actually do a pretty good job riding it. We spent the day riding the bike and looking for bugs and worms again. Well, I actually did gardening, but he thinks that's worm hunting. He takes all the worms and puts them in his bug box, and they escape right away through the screen. We found a ton of them in the garden by the apple tree while I was taking the wild strawberry plants and planting them closer to the tree. I figured this way they wouldn't get damaged by the lawn mower. I think we have a few more plants this year. I'm considering transplanting them somewhere else and getting actual strawberry plants, since wild strawberries are too tiny to do anything with. Still, wild fruit plants are too cool to destroy.
I also ripped up a bunch of ivy from around the other apple tree. It's so sad ripping up that ivy. It really is gorgeous, but the arborist said it was hurting the tree so it had to go. I have no other place to put it. :/ There were tons of bugs under that ivy and Tristan had a field day. He was so excited. He found a nasty slug though and showed it to me. Ew. I told him to throw it away, but he kept picking it up again when I wasn't watching. He got really mad at how vigorous I washed his hands after that. I don't want slug juice all over. ick. The slugs around here are so fat, slimy and huge. What a boy.
Ben just called me outside. He was out there with Tristan and in a split second Tristan dug up all my strawberry plants looking for worms. ugh. They aren't looking too hot. Maybe I killed them by transplanting them. Now he's running around the house yelling "Wormies, Wormies, Wormies!!" The kid is crazy.
I also tried to get a fair bit of housework done, but it's futile. I get the dishes done daily, and a few loads of laundry. I picked up the messes throughout the house only to have them replaced with new messes. I cleared the floor three times to vacuum it, and Tristan would dump something else out in it's place. grr. I did manage to wash the bathroom floor and granite, organize the video tape cabinet, and do some glass cleaning. Tessa is coming over tomorrow to watch Tristan, so hopefully I'll be able to get something done. How people manage to have clean houses is beyond me. Tristan keeps yelling that the house is messy. "This is a messy house," he says. A lot of times he is referring to the cottage cheese ceiling that I'm removing. It's only half done in the hall, and that bothers him. Slug juice doesn't bother him, but a half finished ceiling does. Go figure.
I did finish a craft today, so I'll update on tceku. My neighbor made us a blackberry pie the other day, so I wanted to make her a thank you card. I made a beaded flower out of seed beads and a button and went to town creating a card with it. I used to enjoy making cards. Today, it seemed like such a hassel, but I was proud of the end result. I did leave my trademark finger print on the card. I can't stamp a damn card without getting ink everywhere. heh. Oh well. I also made a cool beaded flower which I'm thinking of making a three strand choker necklace of crystally white beads as a web, and have the spider hanging down in back. It might be a little uber goth to wear a spider necklace. :/ Bah, who cares.
Ben's making fun of me for my crafting again. He calls it craps. punk rocker. He laughed when I took a picture of my St. Paddies day bracelet. It is kind of ugly, but you can't get really pretty beads in Manitowoc WI head shops. Oh well. I'm posting it to tceku anyways, because I made it even if it sucks.
Laura... I can't spell 'tceku'. I just went through and edited. heh. I'll have to post the pics tomorrow since the lighting is so bad that the pictures are all washed out. :(
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