I think lots of people go through the kidnapper scare when they are kids. Our town's scare happened when I was in forth grade. I'd walk to school daily with Trisha and my little brother Joe.
I was watching an episode of Three's Company at my Grandma Bernice's house where an undercover cop thought Chrissy was a hooker. Chrissy got all insulted by the accusation and was complaining to Jack about it. I didn't know what a hooker was, so I went into the kitchen where my mom was putting curlers in my grandma's hair.
As a kid, my dad would watch Planet of the Apes movie marathons in front of us. We were a tad bit young for such movies and I remember getting really freaked out when I heard on the evening news that guerillas had taken over a bridge in Central America and how the American soldiers might have to intervene. I don't remember the details because I was young, but I do remember being terrified that actual GORILLAS in the jungles of Central America had gotten a hold of guns and were taking over bridges and holding humans hostage. I think I even started to cry until my mom tried to explain to me that guerillas weren't monkeys. DAMN YOU APES!
My mother likes her poodles. Every dog we ever had was a poodle or a poodle mix because of our allergies. My mom will talk about all the cute poodle mixes out there like a shitz-a-poo, Golden Poo (Golden Retriever/Poodle), Doxie-doodles, Cocker-poos, Labradoodles, and peke-a- poos. She likes her doodles and poos. She likes them mainly because of the poor luck we had with pure-bred (imbred) poodles. Every poodle we knew of had mental issues, including our toy poodle Buttercup Molly.
Maybe third graders are too young to get the host. As a Catholic, you have your first communion in second grade. The teachers spend the first part of the year teaching you about how the host is actually the body of Christ and that the wine is his blood. You were never suppose to bite into the host. It was suppose to dissolve in your mouth. (That was before they started getting actual bread instead of those weird wafer Christs)