Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day! I'm so grateful to have such a great husband who is an equally great dad. He's really shown us his love this year and we have all kinds of cute family traditions we have been doing like Doughnuts at the Beach.

I was reading some Stay at Home mom forum and the wives were bitching about how clueless their husbands are and how they always think SAHM do nothing all day. Ben gets it. He takes over when he gets home to have some time with Tristan, and give me a little break, then we all cuddle and put Tristan to bed. He takes Tristan in the mornings now that I'm in my last trimester and not getting any sleep because of multiple trips to the bathroom, nightmares and the acid attacks. I'm extremely grateful for that. I know he must be tired too, but he really does help a lot.

We got him a video game that he can play with Tristan, a thermos and a book about Daddy and Me. I gave him the thermos a week ago, since he left all fifteen coffee cups at work, and then proceeded to leave the house with my mixing bowl full of coffee since we were out of coffee cups. Oh that man! hehe. I was forced to give him the thermos ahead of time to keep my mixing bowls in the house. He cracks me up.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Tristan said that I was his favorite mom today. :) That made up for the temper tantrum and crazy antics he pulled earlier in the day. He has this thing lately where he likes to flush the toilet and play in the sink. That wouldn't be so bad if we lived in the city, but you can't do that stuff with a septic system. Especially, when your septic system had an oversaturation problem earlier this spring.

I locked the door and he threw a fit. The advice books say make sure the kid is safe and then leave the room so you aren't giving them any attention for negative behavior. Um... yeah. That wasn't working. This continued on for awhile and then it was sort of quiet. Then, I heard the frickin' toilet flush. Oh that kid! I figured that he was in my bedroom bathroom, but it turns out that he actually picked the stinking lock to the bathroom and got in that way. He's going to be a famous cat burglar(like Sex Pistols song) or something. heh. I'll have to watch this one closer.

He was being sweet later in the day. He wanted to go to the airport to see his grandparents. He misses them and knows that they will be coming soon for the baby, but he doesn't have any concept about time. I told him that airplanes cost about 200 matchbox cars, so he went into his bedroom and got out his matchbox cars. How sweet. Then, I explained that it wasn't actual matchbox cars, but what amount of money it would cost to buy all those matchbox cars, so he got out his piggy bank. I told him we would need a bit more, so he went around the house looking for change in the laundry area. He yelled, "I found money mom! Go to airport?" What a sweetie.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Ben and I took Tristan to Squamish Saturday for "A Day Out With Thomas." It was at an old train museum park where they had all theses engines, and old trains that you could tour. They had a lifesize Thomas the Tank engine hooked up to a real train and we all got to ride 'Thomas'. Tristan had a blast even though he didn't nap all day and was very tired. The real train ride kind of sucked, but Tristan didn't notice. It only went 2 miles per hour and then stopped, changed tracks and and went forward about 1000 ft before stopping again. Yawn. There were clowns to keep the kids entertained, and Tristan just thought it was cool to be on Thomas. The miniture train was a lot of fun though. It went all over the park and we saw all kinds of old train equipment. I'd love to go on one of those train tours or Canada some day.

I had another Oprah apocolypse dream. I hardly ever watch Oprah. I wonder why she is always in my apocolypse dreams. She must be the anti-christ. heh. Anyway, this one was like Dawn of the Dead. There were these creatures going around eating people and we were hiding out in a grocery store. Oprah's apartment building was one of the places we could go to be safe. I called and tried to get the password, but everyone was being so noisy that I couldn't hear, so I yelled at them to shut up. Everyone got pissed at me for yelling at them, and I didn't get the password right. Ben says that I started talking in my sleep how the password was wrong. We decided to entice Oprah with fresh food from the market like rhubarb and fresh herbs. We figured Oprah didn't have fresh herbs or rhubarb in the middle of Chicago. Oh Oprah.

I also had weird dreams last night about the Falun Gong. There's an exhibit on Granville street where they talk about the human rights abuses and Falun Gong. There's a little hut attached to the signs and someone is usually meditating there in the middle of traffic. Ben and I always wondered what the heck it was about but never looked it up. Anyway, I kept having a dream that I should look it up and then I'd say, "I'll look it up tomorrow." Then irl the baby would kick me in my belly and I'd wake up feeling like I had to throw up because of the reflux. This happened 3 times. One of the times, Tristan came into my room. I almost just got the hell up and looked it up on the internet at 3 in the morning just to get this nonsense to stop, but I did stop having the dream that I had to look up Falun and got back to sleep. Weird. Here's info on Falun Gong if anyone else is curious. Link here

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Grrr. I'm being taken advantage of and I don't like it. B dropped her son off at 9:30 for a play date and didn't pick him up until three. TOO LONG! Her friend stopped by to take her to lunch. Um.. yeah. It took me an hour to eat my frickin' soup because the kids were going nuts. I get warm soup, and she gets time away at a restaurant. The kids were tearing each other apart and I gave twenty thousand time outs. I'm still stressed out and my blood pressure is starting to rise just thinking about it. I had no phone number to call and tell her that this date needed to end. Tristan needs a nap, but now he's overtired.

I know, I know. You can only be taken advantage of if you allow it. I did say that I need a phone number next time, and that this was too long, but I did wimp out. I always wimp out dammit! This is why I get taken advantage of. Next time, I'll have to set guidelines like an actual time it should end, and get her phone number, but I wish I was bitchier and learned how to stand up for myself sometimes.

Ben would say, "I told you so." blah blah. He's so right, sometimes. Bah. Work takes advantage of him too, so all this I told you so stuff is in vain.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I grocery shopped in Canada today. While shopping I thought to myself, "I like the anonymity of shopping in another country" and then I laughed to myself at how absurd that sounds.

Tristan was being a bit of a stinker in the store. He wasn't being bad like toddlers usually are. He was just pretending to be a bad guy, but I was getting dirty looks. This bad guy stuff is getting kind of annoying. He called some guy in a suit a bad guy in a growly voice, and I got a dirty look. I gave him a couple of warnings and then ended up giving him a time out in the frozen fish aisle. He didn't like that and was pretty good for about 6 aisles until I got to the cookie aisle. He knows that he doesn't get cookies unless he is good. I always save that aisle for last. Well, once we got the cookies he started up with the bad guy stuff again calling a little old lady a bad guy. I warned him, but he kept it up in the checkout, so I headed back to the cookie aisle and put the cookies back. He was mad. It worked though. He's still saying that he didn't get cookies because he was naughty.

I was kind of bad in that I stopped at Starbucks on the way home. I should have just left without any treats at all, but I really wanted whip cream. I got a strawberry and cream drink and got Tristan a children's steamer. He ate the whip cream off his steamer and then stole my drink. I didn't mind, because I didn't really care for the strawberry cream thinger, and the steamer was much more up my alley. mmmm...steamers.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I feel like I'm on an episode of What Not to Wear lately. My shoes were even featured - mary janes. Boo. Not that I like the clothes on What Not to Wear. Not that I watch that show often. I'm just getting too big to do much. I'm pretty much wearing Ben's tee-shirts and sweats all the time. Oh, with mary janes. How silly.

I have a million people stopping by today. The plasterer is coming by to give us a quote on the ceiling. The appliance guy is stopping by to see if he can fix the dishwasher. Yeah... one plus one equals a million when no one ever comes to visit. ;)


Tristan has been calling everything he doesn't like a bad guy again. He was raiding the cookie jar by taking his time out chair and using it as a step stool. I yelled at him and told him that he had to eat supper first. NO SUPPER! BAD GUY SUPPER!
When I tell him he needs to take a nap, he yells BAD GUY NAP! It's hard not to laugh. He also insulted me the other day by calling me a robot. Sure, that's not an insult, but to him it was. It was all in the tone. He got a time out for all of the above. It is kind of ironic that he's using his time out chair to get into trouble lately. heh.

Ben was all worried that Tristan was mad at him for working so much lately. They went for a walk to the beach the other day and talked about it. Ben said that he was sorry to be working so much and asked Tristan if he was sad. Tristan said, "I'm not sad, I'm happy." That made Ben feel better. They walked a little farther pass the horse pasture and Tristan looked out at the ocean and said, "It's a nice day". hehe. He's really growing up.