Tristan said that I was his favorite mom today. :) That made up for the temper tantrum and crazy antics he pulled earlier in the day. He has this thing lately where he likes to flush the toilet and play in the sink. That wouldn't be so bad if we lived in the city, but you can't do that stuff with a septic system. Especially, when your septic system had an oversaturation problem earlier this spring.
I locked the door and he threw a fit. The advice books say make sure the kid is safe and then leave the room so you aren't giving them any attention for negative behavior. Um... yeah. That wasn't working. This continued on for awhile and then it was sort of quiet. Then, I heard the frickin' toilet flush. Oh that kid! I figured that he was in my bedroom bathroom, but it turns out that he actually picked the stinking lock to the bathroom and got in that way. He's going to be a famous cat burglar(like Sex Pistols song) or something. heh. I'll have to watch this one closer.
He was being sweet later in the day. He wanted to go to the airport to see his grandparents. He misses them and knows that they will be coming soon for the baby, but he doesn't have any concept about time. I told him that airplanes cost about 200 matchbox cars, so he went into his bedroom and got out his matchbox cars. How sweet. Then, I explained that it wasn't actual matchbox cars, but what amount of money it would cost to buy all those matchbox cars, so he got out his piggy bank. I told him we would need a bit more, so he went around the house looking for change in the laundry area. He yelled, "I found money mom! Go to airport?" What a sweetie.
That is such a cute story! I want to meet the new and improved Tristan with his cars, and bad guy opinions.
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