There are over a hundred baby spiders that just hatched on our dining room window. It's outside thank god, so it's pretty neat to watch. Wee baby spiders. Tristan is super excited about them and we watched them for a good portion of the day. Thank goodness we are such environmentalists that we never clean the windows to spoil such a natural habitat for spiders and other nasties. heh. yeah... that's the story. It's not that we are just lazy. Fine... we're lazy.
My plants came in the mail like a mail order bride. Mailing nature is just weird. I got two different species of blueberry bushes that I promptly planted along with the lily of the valley, periwinkle and a few strawberry seedlings. I ran out of garden space, so I had a lot of digging to do to find a home for the 6 hibiscus plants and the rest of the strawberry and lavendar. It's all in the ground now, although I'm not sure some of the strawberries and the periwinkle will survive. I planted the periwinkle wrong and only had a chance to correct one bunch of it. The leftover strawberries looked a little wilted since it took awhile for me to dig up a new garden for them. Oh well. Twenty five periwinkle plants are too much for that little garden, although I do hope the strawberries survive. Mmmm Ozark strawberries. I have some cantalope melon vine seeds, and some tomato seeds if anyone wants them. I just don't have the garden space for any more plants and I really hate cantalope.
I'm nesting like crazy. The back yard is really bothering me because everything is getting overgrown, and the grass is all tufted and lumpy. Big frickin' deal right? It is to the hormonal one who wants everything all perfect for the baby to come. All I see is work when I look outside. I also want to purge a lot of crap we have in this house. I'm going to get rid of all the video tapes that we didn't buy or never watch. They take up too much room and we NEVER watch them. I'm also getting rid of all Ben's software boxes. He's not too happy with that. I think it's a geek thing to have to keep the boxes. They take up so much room and they don't have the software in them anyway. All the software is in the software folder. They are just empty boxes. I'm also going to work on getting rid of a lot of old clothes and books, so I'll probably have a rummage sale. Hmmm. More work. Is that smart, or am I in a nesting fog. I could use the money from this junk to get cute baby stuff. Yeah. That's the ticket.
I had to read that part aloud--about the software boxes. I feel your pain sister.
What is this about? I notice that all men keep the boxes. Is it some weird thing where they think they'll have the only copy of Castle Wolfenstien with a box and it will some day be worth millions? Yeah... Keep wishing. Ben hasn't given me a good reason besides that he likes the boxes.
plants! plants plants plants!
it sounds wonderful Jen.
i wish i could come out there to visit... but i'm going in the other direction next week...
Hey Laima! Do you want the cantalope melon vine or the tomato seeds? I figured either you or Laura would be interested.
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