Yesterday was pretty busy. I got up and immediately started cleaning since Branden was coming over. He got here a little late, and the kids played nicely for about a half an hour before they got on each others nerves. I took them to South Beach and that calmed them down. They had a blast playing in the tide pools and trying to catch minnows. They found a bunch of hermit crabs and I found a dead starfish lying on the beach. I took it home like last time. Hopefully, Bob won't eat this one after it's been sitting out in the sun for days, and hopefully it won't stink as bad as the other one did. Man, dead starfish are stinky. Cute, but stinky.
The boys were all wet and full of sand, so I had Branden get into Ben's shirt and dried his clothes and threw Tristan in the tub. Then quickly fed them, before Buffy arrived. I was really rushing around like a chicken with my head cut off, when I noticed that Tristan was being too quiet. Being too quiet is usually a sign of trouble, but I found him in the bathroom trying to go potty. YAY!!! He's been immitating Branden like crazy, so I must have this kid over more. Tristan has been really hating the potty chair lately so this is major. He tried a couple of times, but it's obvious that he doesn't get it, and the few times he went months ago were just a fluke. We'll keep trying though. He told me that he wanted privacy and I caught him trying to fill the potty with toilet paper and some water that he put in a coffee cup. hehe. I don't know if he thinks pee is water and that's what is happening, or if he was trying to pull one over on me.
After I got him off the pot, we drove to Bellingham to buy Ben a laptop. Our laptop is ancient and Ben really needs one for a demo and for E3. I can't believe that we put this off so much. Ben is used to be a stickler about computer technology being updated, but the laptop always got put off. Tristan was obsessed with Best Buy and all the buttons. He really wanted a calculator. That's his newest obsession. He loves calculators. I guess Ben was the same way as a kid.
Next, I took Tristan to the Bellingham mall and he played with all the kids in the play area. He was being pretty good and was super sweet and gentle to the babies in there which made me feel better about giving birth soon. One little girl was coughing, so he rubbed her back for her. cute. We ate at Old Crunchy Buffet since I figured that it would be good to get Tristan some veggies rather than stopping at McDonald's again. He actually loved it and it only costs $.60 for him to eat there. The crowd was rather old and they all gave him lot's of attention. Actually, the crowd was a weird mixture of goth/punks and the elderly. The grazers came in later just as we were about to leave.
Finally, I drove to Diegos to get Ben tacos. I think I've written before about how Canadians don't do tacos. They nuke the lettuce and put weird things like mashed potatoes/turkey/gravy/cranberrry sauce together (steamroller's burritos for Thanksgiving). ;P Ben and I always have to make an actual run to the United States border to get good tacos. Diegos are the best. I didn't get back to the other United State (Point Roberts) until 7:30. Ben didn't get home until after midnight, but I got up with him and sat and talked in the hot tub a bit. I just put my feet in of course, since pregnant ladies aren't allowed in hot tubs. It was kind of nice, but I wish he didn't have to work such long hours. At least his producer is working long hours too. Makes me feel better to know that the boss is working so many hours that even he didn't feel safe about driving home. Still, nobody should be working such insane hours. Ben helped him out there since he lives nearby in White Rock.
Wow, I really do have a pointless blog. haha. sorry.
I wish Mina and Tristan and Leta could play together. Yeah I know I've said that ten million times. *sigh*
I know. Me too. I miss coffee and kids time. :)
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