Ooh! I have a precious moment. Nathaniel is asleep and Ben and Tristan are on a walk with Bob.
Well, my water broke last Thursday and then the contractions started. The doctor suggested that I take a nap until the contractions got stronger, since it could be a long day. I finally got some rest, but when I woke up all the contractions had stopped again like they did on Canada Day. I didn't feel the baby move all morning, so I called the doctor back and they suggested that I should come in.
Well, the baby was fine on the monitor so we spent most of the day at the hospital until they finally induced me at 3:45 or so. I gave birth at 5:11 pm. It was a very quick labour. I only pushed for 6 minutes! I'm a great pusher apparently. ;)
The baby is a boy named Nathaniel Benjamin. He weighed 6 pounds 14 oz, but they told us in kg since they are crazy Canadians. He was 51 cm long (again with the metric system). ;P He's perfectly healthy and so am I. I even convinced them to release me early, since Tristan was so worried about us.
Tristan is adjusting fine. Mostly he calls the baby a superman baby which means that he likes him. Every once in awhile he gets jealous and calls him a bad guy baby. He helps out a lot though and says that the baby is cute. I think he'll be fine as long as I give him attention too.
So, all is well, and I won't be online much until things settle down. This is a rare moment indeed.
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