Ultrasound hell
I have such a headache, and I'm so frustrated that I'm crying. Hormones I guess. I just feel like these receptionists think I'm stupid, and whiny. Here's the thing. I haven't had an ultrasound yet. They are typically given at 18 weeks, but I'm now 25 weeks. What happened was that my family practioner handed over my treatment to an ob/gyn so I could get one at around 22 weeks. Since the ob/gyn never saw me, they did the typical workup to make sure that I'm on schedule. I got the sonogram to hear the heartbeat, got my uterus measured, and checked my pee for protein and sugar irregularities. Normal stuff. I assumed they would set me up for an ultrasound and that's where I went wrong. I should never assume. Anyway, when I figured out that it was bad of me to assume things, I called the clinics receptionist, Iris, and asked her about the ultrasound. Tristan was really clingy that day and was mad that I was on the phone. He kept crying and trying to grab for the phone and I kept having to scold him and put him in time out until I told her that I would just call her back. I called back, but I was flustered and embarrassed about Tristan. Tristan's doctor in Wisconsin was Dr. Jenkins, so I associate the name Dr. Jenkins with America and with babies. Iris aked if I had asked Dr Jenkins if I was going to get an ultrasound. I was confused and explained to her that I haven't seen Dr. Jenkins since my first month so why would she order an ultrasound. See, I was confusing the new ob/gyn Dr. Jenkins with my old one from Bellingham in the states. I've seen 3 doctors already and really didn't get to know my first doctor. I haven't seen the Canadian Dr. Jenkins because she was on call the day I visited the clinic, so I had no idea that my new doctor was named Jenkins too. Anyway, we talked in circles with me getting frustrated that Iris wanted my old doctor from the United States to order an ultrasound, when she was talking about the Canadian doctor. ugh. Once I realized what was going on, we worked it out and she told me to talk to the Canadian Jenkins at my next appointment. I was embarrassed so I agreed to that.
Ben wasn't too happy with that response, and he was right not to be. He told me that Iris is the billing lady and she probably didn't know what the hell. He told me to call the doctors office and speak to someone else. I did that today. First, I left a message asking when I'd get an ultrasound, and guess who called me back - Iris. grrr. She's nice, but I didn't want to start at square one again. Iris went through the same thing about how I needed to talk to Canadian Jenkins at my appointment. I told Iris that I wanted to see if Jenkins had set up an appointment for an ultrasound. That's all. It seems simple to me to check the chart and see if I have an appointment with the ultrasound people or not. If I wasn't set up for an appointment, I wanted her to set one up for me. Big deal. Well, apparently it is. Iris told me to call the oncall pager since Jenkins was on call. I called that number which said "FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY" This is not an emergency. grr. The lady on that line acted annoyed that I called the emergency number for an appointment issue, and transferred me to the ultrasound office. The ultrasound people told me that I need to talk to the doctor, and that they are booked out for another three weeks. I was suppose to have my ultrasound at 18 weeks. If I wait another 3 weeks I'll be 30 weeks preggers. GRRR!! The whole time this is going on Tristan is screaming at me, "
I hang up, change Tristan, and call Iris again, because I was peeved that 3 weeks ago I called Iris about getting Jenkins to set up an appointment and now I have to wait another 3 weeks. Iris told me to call the oncall pager. Tristan starts screaming, "I GO POOP, AGAIN!!!" over and over and Bob pukes up an Easter egg right in front of me. Tristan then gets curious and goes over to the puke. I have to yell again, and pull tristan and Bob away from the puke, and start bawling on the phone that I just want to know if my baby is normal or has two heads with horns. I just want an ultrasound. Iris must think I'm mental. She took my name and told me that she will have Canadian Jenkins call me. This is all I wanted in the first place. I just want to know if I have an appointment or not, and if I don't, I want them to set one up. Now, I have a major headache.